Older R3 clutch grabbing


Standard Bore
Mar 4, 2016
Decatur il
2005 Rocket 3
So on a trip this fall my wife (2012 T-bird) and I (2005 R3) rode up to Wisc for a weekend getaway. As we traveled around and through Beloit my I killed my rocket 3 times which I had not done once in a very long time. After the last one I was a little more aggressive with my launch and at the next stop light, in 1st gear with the clutch lever pulled all the way in and a fair amount of brake, the bike was pulling me right into the car in front of me. I had to get hard on the brake to get it to stop rolling and it nearly died in the process. I told my wife we needed to pull over and I popped her in neutral while waiting on the green arrow. When I went to put her back in first it was extremely difficult to get it to drop down, we pulled into a parking lot and I began to look at the cable adjustment. It seemed fine so I decided to put around the lot to see how she behaved at low speed. When I started it up again I could NOT get it in gear, so I shut it down, popped it in first and started it up. Upon start up the bike lurched forward and to get it to shift while putting around the lot I had to blip the throttle. I stopped and adjusted the cable out to where it would no longer pull at a stop and it was much easier to shift. So we took off and things seemed fine until I had to pass someone, that's when I revved it past 2700RPM and the clutch completely let loose. Pulled back over and tightened the cable 1 turn and it was back to the way it was when I backed it off. At this point I just wanted to get to where we were going make a phone call and head home, so I got things adjusted to where I felt safe enough to ride. We got to our destination and then I was able to limp her through the 180 mile trip back home, not being able to get the bike above 72mph. I'm assuming I warped one of the plates and I am in need of a new clutch pack but I'm also wondering what all else I need to do with the upgrades to the rocket over the years. The bike is all stock with about 25K on it but I am known to ride this bike a little hard. I see alot of Barnett, MTC, OEM and combos of each being recommended, not sure what direction would be best or what upgrades I should look into. Any input would be great and I will answer any and all questions you guys might have.
First of all, sorry for your troubles. The stock clutch seems to be pretty stout to me but they do wear out.
Has your bike ever been apart before? Have any of the clutch parts been replaced or are they all original?
Triumph made some changes to the clutch pressure plate over the years moving away from the original design "needle bearings" to a ball bearing style. The clutch lifter piece has also been updated.
If there is no damage to the clutch cable I would suspect that something is wrong at the clutch itself or the actuating parts (clutch lifter shaft and lifter piece). Unfortunately it will require the removal of the front cover to inspect those parts.
It's not a complicated job but it involves removing the radiator to be able to access the front cover.
One thing you could check is if the curved arm that the cable attaches to at the engine has any undue amount of play in it.
If it can be pulled out of the engine very much at all that indicates a problem with the lifter shaft.
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I would say that its time to pull the front cover to inspect the Clutch lifter shaft and the lifter shaft....if the lifter shaft has any wear(rounded off) it will deminish the amount of spreading out of the clutch plates when activated....My son rides about the same as me...but< at lights he always holds his clutch engaged....I put bike in neutral.....His lifter shaft had noticeable wear in 30.000 miles....I'd start there....
I've had the front of the bike apart before and I have a new water pump to replace so it's all got to come off again. I'm hoping to dig into it next weekend to verify what all I need to replace. I took it for a quick spin today as the temps were in the 40's here and it seemed to be holding well at 3/4 throttle up to over 4 grand, which was impossible the last time I rode it.
So on a trip this fall my wife (2012 T-bird) and I (2005 R3) rode up to Wisc for a weekend getaway. As we traveled around and through Beloit my I killed my rocket 3 times which I had not done once in a very long time. After the last one I was a little more aggressive with my launch and at the next stop light, in 1st gear with the clutch lever pulled all the way in and a fair amount of brake, the bike was pulling me right into the car in front of me. I had to get hard on the brake to get it to stop rolling and it nearly died in the process. I told my wife we needed to pull over and I popped her in neutral while waiting on the green arrow. When I went to put her back in first it was extremely difficult to get it to drop down, we pulled into a parking lot and I began to look at the cable adjustment. It seemed fine so I decided to put around the lot to see how she behaved at low speed. When I started it up again I could NOT get it in gear, so I shut it down, popped it in first and started it up. Upon start up the bike lurched forward and to get it to shift while putting around the lot I had to blip the throttle. I stopped and adjusted the cable out to where it would no longer pull at a stop and it was much easier to shift. So we took off and things seemed fine until I had to pass someone, that's when I revved it past 2700RPM and the clutch completely let loose. Pulled back over and tightened the cable 1 turn and it was back to the way it was when I backed it off. At this point I just wanted to get to where we were going make a phone call and head home, so I got things adjusted to where I felt safe enough to ride. We got to our destination and then I was able to limp her through the 180 mile trip back home, not being able to get the bike above 72mph. I'm assuming I warped one of the plates and I am in need of a new clutch pack but I'm also wondering what all else I need to do with the upgrades to the rocket over the years. The bike is all stock with about 25K on it but I am known to ride this bike a little hard. I see alot of Barnett, MTC, OEM and combos of each being recommended, not sure what direction would be best or what upgrades I should look into. Any input would be great and I will answer any and all questions you guys might have.
Your bikes same model as mine. Go Barnett clutch and springs (there's a really old post on here re clutch options @Paul Bryant and some springs are weaker than OEM. Also update the actuator arm to the Roadster one. While motor front is open check/replace detent spring.