Occasionally erratic idle, what can I adjust without TuneECU?


.040 Over
Mar 6, 2021
Ijamsville, MD USA
2007 R3 Classic
My '07 Classic has an occasionally erratic idle. At first start-up it hunts around for a while, which I always figured was normal while the engine was cold and transitioning from closed to open loop. That doesn't bother me, but it also hunts around a little when it's warmed up when you first come up to a stoplight. Idle starts low and a little rough, and after a couple seconds it comes up to ~900 and smooths out and all is well. Hasn't been an issue I've cared about until yesterday I blipped the throttle for a downshift from 3-2 after a good 45 minutes on the road (so definitely fully warmed up) and the bike stalled. I popped the clutch and fired it back up, but it was a little annoying. No CEL's (knock on wood). I cleaned the crank sensor recently so I don't think that's it. After some forum reading it sounds like a TPS adjustment and ICVS reset and possible a throttle synch are in order, but I don't have TuneECU or a good BT reader/cable. I have a cheapo OBD2 BT adapter that is not good enough to load tunes per the TuneECU website. What can I accomplish with the tools on-hand? Is it possible to get TuneECU to perform an ICVS reset through a cheapo adapter? Can I/should I adjust the TPS to .60v with a volt meter without TuneECU? Can I clean the idle stepper without affecting the adjustment?
U ask a lot of questions lol
U need the lonetec cable and an android computer.
It would b complcated to adjust tps w/o it
W/o the lonetech cable the things u can do are spray throttle linkages/springs with wd40 or better cleaner do wot then let the grip spring shut. U can also pull the rubber back on the stepper and spray in there turning the ign on and off a few times to work it.
I concider myself pretty good at this and it seems mine is doing almost the same as yours i have to barely open the throttle and then it will start and takes a little while to warm up a few times dies when 2nd shift.
I have been using seafoam in the gas and it has helped a little but is not cured. I have ane idea to make an experimental adjust but my shop is just to busy now and i am slow to get things done.
Yeah, the warm-up doesn't bother me that much. I have plenty of vintage bikes that are much more finicky when cold. It was the stall between a shift when fully warmed and running that caused me to be concerned. I may just have to suck it up and get a cable. Figured I'd try the cheap and easy stuff first. I'll clean the linkages and throw some seafoam in it. It might also be that the tune is a little off. The bike had a CAT/EVAP delete and pops like hell on decel but runs great otherwise. I don't know if anyone ever tuned it after the changes as that all predates my ownership. To date this is the first time it ever stalled after warm-up.

I've got a good carb/TB synch tool (Morgan Carbtune). Several of my other bikes require a yearly carb balance. I figure I'll take a shot at that also.
The only time mine acts up after warm up is when the throttles r sticking and then it will barely run or hang around 2000-2500 rpm. And with a full tank and setting in the sun.

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