OBDII or EOBD compatible


New Roadster 2014
Mar 7, 2007
Notable 10,000 miles / 10 Days ...in conjunction with the AMA sponsored (SCMA) Four Corner Tour Both rides are certified.
Is the Rockets system OBDII or EOBD compatible? Thank you Lee
Ol thanks, I know the plug is there. The reason I was asking is I found gauges that run off the plug. But I was unable to see if they were compatible. I thought if they work on the bike they would be great.

A basic scan tool works. It was referenced in an idle fix on another site for use in order to get the actual RPMs to set idle as the tach is not entirely accurate. All OBDII are standardized so it should give you what you want.
I installed a scan gauge II works great and has a ton of options.

As soon as I plugged it in I just had to pick the gauge settings. It tells how many gallons per hour, miles per gallon, water temp., volts and a lot more for the gauges you have to pick what you want (four at a time) You have to set gallons in a tank and engine size. For wha it cost it seems great. I made a temp. bracket to sit under the bug screen. 8) 8)