not again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It's true, one of the most common issues with the M109R's is that the second gear keeps popping out when giving it hard gas. A lot of people have this problem with PRE 2008 models. I personally had a 2008 for 5 years and never ran into the problem, but its true that shifting from 1 to 2 is quite clunky. One of the repairs you can do was to rework the teeth so that they point back or something which fixes the problem but costs a few thousand bucks to fix.

Sorry to hear about your issue, but I know how you would feel if you can't have a reliable ride. I hope your issues gets resolved!
Sell it, I am.
No way am I selling it.its a simple fix $320 including ,5 litres of oil 1 spring .I just have to wait for the gasket.mean while I can keep riding ,simply when changing up through the gears hold the gear lever firmly in second then into third.its not really much of a problem..

For what it's worth:
I had the update kit installed on my 08 standard because it would pop out of second gear during hard acceleration.
(When the bike was new I waited till after the 500 mile break in to stomp on it and the pop out happened the very first time I opened her up)

The tech that did the work told me the fix was to reduce the number of engagement dogs for 2nd gear by half.
After the install the 2nd gear pop out immediately stopped happening.

However, I got something new: drive line slack at slow speed in 1st through 3rd; the bike jerks when rolling on/off throttle.
The tech said the slack had nothing to do with the update kit, but it wasn't there before ...
I have to admit the cost of admission is starting to wear on me too, I think you almost have to be able to maintain and repair 1 of these bikes to afford one, it seems there's 10 or more serious problems for every bike that has any serious miles on it if you go by the post in the forums.
There might be ten or more serious issues but not every person has them all .example me detent spring twice and that has been the only issue in five years .I think to have all ten issues you would have to be unlucky or wreckless
yea, I was refering to the drive shaft dilemma on another forum, the ignition switch on another, point i was making for every 100,000 klm bike posted there's 10 guys citing 1 problem or another they're having. I don't think it accurately reflects the QC on these bikes but it might? Me my 06 pops out of 2nd some, grinds going in, ignition switch issue, front fork seals at 20,000 I bought the update kit and am considering having it installed, I was debating the cost vs trading for a newer model that falls outside the update eligability but more I read the tranny is still suspect. The bikes crack and i'm hooked, i'll ***** about cost all day when i'm not riding and grin like an idiot the rest of the time.
Honda makes the most dependable motorcycle on the planet IMO,they also make the most boring motorcycles on the planet. Triumph may not have the most trouble free motorcycles but then nobody has a motorcycle like the R3!!

I had an 07 R3 that I bought at the beginning of 08. Customer traded it back in after only 2k miles. From the day I got it the transmission was clunky as a mother ******. 2nd gear popped out constantly. Repairing out of warranty was too expensive so I sold it. Bought a Victory Vegas 8ball and rode it for 2 summers. Great bike but it was no R3. I traded the Victory in to get my '14 R3R.

I still remember the first time a rode a motorcycle 32 years ago. The adrenaline and thrill of riding a motorcycle for the first time... I've owned many bikes over the last 32 years. The R3 is the only bike that gives me that same thrill every time I ride it.

I'm willing to take the chance again on Triumph. That thrill is why I ride.

+1 brother could not have said it better myself!