not a good morning

Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. Hopefully things will work out for the better. Replace and upgrade time.
I can't even imagine how you must feel right now, sad your bike is gone, but ever so grateful your loved ones and yourself are ok. Hope things look brighter in a few days.

Wow Patrick. Glad you and the wife are well. What a shocker to see this. I can't imagine how you feel after all the work you put into the shop and the bikes. I think the best thing is to rebuild and replace what you need. Please get another Rocket. Remember there are some great deals going on right now on NEW but sold as Demo Used Rockets. If you still want to come down for the March 18/19 Rally and Show I have extra bikes you can ride.
So the fire started in the car?
I would NOT cancel your trip of a lifetime. Go get another Rocket - enjoy the trip - settle the balance after all the insurance is collected.
no the fire started in the adjoining toolshed where I keep the lift fire lasted 30mn by 10 am all was clear cold and checked it is at 8.30 PM that something magnesium exploded in the shell of the car my neighbor heard the blast and recalled the firemen .. 10 hours between the two events very strange !!
You'll bounce back for sure, time heals everything. I try not to get attached to monetary possessions even though sometimes those feel like family, nice thing about those possessions they can be replaced fairly easily. Just be greatfull everyone is safe and unharmed, tomorrow is another day and hey soon enough you might be exited about your new rocket purchase Good luck mate, I definitely feel for ya.