not a good morning

So the fire started in the car?
I would NOT cancel your trip of a lifetime. Go get another Rocket - enjoy the trip - settle the balance after all the insurance is collected.
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Sorry to hear about the loss. Fortunately you home spared and no one was hurt
Awe Crap!!!! ..... Just saw this, Very bad news indeed, but as long as you and your family are unhurt that is the most important thing, please stay on here thou, we would miss you badly
Patrick, what can I say. I am so sorry for your loss. When I opened the thread and saw the picture it was like getting an electric shock. Like has been said, it's a blessing no one was hurt and your house survived. People say it's just stuff and can be replaced. To me that's like saying "well you can just get another wife, child, dog etc". I don't make lite of the loss of material possessions. It would be a grieving process for me. My heart goes out to you my friend.
Hey AB duke. That's a horrible thing to have happen to anyone. I'm very sorry for you. But remember the reason we ride in the first place. Don't let a bad situation remove that feeling of freedom and flight that being on two wheels gives us true bikers. (No matter what you ride) there is a core reason we do.
Best wishes
Good to hear that your home and family are Ok. Sorry for the loss.

No need to be a stranger. If my garage burned I'd get an extra bike just for all of my wife's stuff that she's forgotten about
Sorry to hear about this. My heart goes out. Feel blessed you and your loved ones are OK. Stuff can be replaced, loved ones cant.
very sorry; I would begin preparations for a quick swift battle with the insurance company for all the damages and have a new rocket at the top of the list. Thankfully no loss of life and you still have your home
Get another bike, it will lift your spirit a bit, sorry about the one of a kind John Deere bike