Not a darkside thread!!!

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macrider, im new to the car tire on the rear but why dose everyone refers to the "darkside"?
thanks again.....
If you put a Car Tire on the back of your bike,
you have gone over to the Dark Side,
ie. Darth Vader from Star Wars.
you have given your soul over to evil pursuits.
You are in an unholy and dark region.
you are D-A-M-Ned for all time.

Get the idea?
If you put a Car Tire on the back of your bike,
you have gone over to the Dark Side,
ie. Darth Vader from Star Wars.
you have given your soul over to evil pursuits.
You are in an unholy and dark region.
you are D-A-M-Ned for all time.

Get the idea?
thanks for the info jrock......
Like I said, this is not a ds thread. I'm not looking to be berated for having a square tire on a motorcycle. It is just some pics of a recent ride. I wore out the original rear tire with 4400 miles on it and was about to lose the weekend of riding so I put a 225 on that is rated for 168 mph. Done a massive burn out while leaving the shop and it was sticking very well from then on. Not sure if it will be permanent, but will leave it for this year.

Hip, Hip, Hooray. Wannbe!

I'm looking into having a medal commissioned for your boldness. Congrats on "going your own way" - you are clearly very proud of yourself.
How nice of you Phil, it did not take you long to make a typical sarcastic reply about DS to to a new member of our forum.
Can you try and refrain for once from being an A&^ hole? bully much as a child?
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