I went from a 750 Norton to an H1 Kaw. to me the Norton handled better but there was no comparison in the speed of the 2.
Have you seen the price of an H1 or H2 lately............OMG
But like all old things a lot of them come back worth way more than anyone could imagine. I would love to have the old 65 1/2 Mustang I bought in 1970( $500.00). It was a K code car that had the front end wrecked but had new fenders and hood in primer. No frame damage what so ever. I kept about 1 year and sold it for $500.00
If I only knew.....There is that IF again.
Art..... question please? How many M/C do you have????? I understand if you do not want to answer...It is like if you ask me how many guns do I have..............LOL
My answer will be .....2