Non-starter after winter lay-up

English Hov

.020 Over
Aug 16, 2015
East Grinstead
2007 Rocket III Classic
I turn on the ignition, dials sweep, press the starter and it clicks (once) but does not crank. As long as the ignition is on I can hear what sounds like some kind of pump or motorised valve trying to work. Lifted the tank and the sound appears to come from engine, not the tank (so I assume its not the fuel pump). I have replaced the battery. No difference. All lights bright. I have tried with stand up. It is in neutral and I pull clutch.
The bike is a 2007 Classic. Worked fine when I last used it in the autumn (fall). The petrol (gas) does not appear to have gone off.
Does anyone have any helpful ideas?
No machine built to run, likes to sit. There are a number of threads on here with the same symptoms with helpful troubleshooting checklists.

Suggest you do some research, and follow the checklist(s) appropriate to your situation.

I bet your bike will be running after that, and if not, you'll have much more data with which folks here can work.

Good hunting.
With the bike sitting so long, the first thing to check are the connections at starter and ground lead to chassis. Since you replaced the battery, I'd assume those are good. Not sure what the motor noise would be other than a stepper motor cycling for the throttle bodies unless the starter motor is spinning without engaging the bendix (highly unlikely). You said the headlights are bright. Do they turn off when you press the start button. If so, this indicates that the starter relay is cycling which is good but I've seen the contacts in the relay for the start circuit oxidize when they sit too long. Try swapping the starter relay with another 5 pin relay. If that doesn't help, check the starter solenoid contact plate for pitting. It is accessible without having to pull the starter.

Another quick check would be to unplug the starter solenoid plug from the starter and check for power there when you depress the start button. If power is present that tells you everything is good up to the starter solenoid. Clean the solenoid contact plate.
Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated. I will take a look at the starter.
Plenty of time on my hands with this Corona Virus lockdown we are having over here...
Seen a lot of guys lately find out the starter relay was acting up. Seen a few switching them around just to find out they are not the same. Of course check the cables. The contacts in the starter solenoid are probably arced up. Mine were.