Hey James, if you spray the filters like you did in Maggie Valley does it want to start or still DOA?
I have seen a lot of sensors on cars turn to crud and cause problems without setting the check engine light. While I haven't had to do any diag on a rocket it should be similar to any other modern engine. One of the small wires at the coils should have 12v with the key on, use a test light to check it to make sure that it is delivering good amps. If that checks out good probe the other small terminal and hit the starter. The light should pulse on and off as the system delivers ground pulses to the coils to fire them. (you might need to the clamp on the light hooked to the positive battery terminal for this but try it hooked to ground first) Unplug them first to find the one that has 12v on it as they both will if they are hooked to the coil.
If the light does not pulse then there is no signal coming to the coils to fire them. Probe either wire of a fuel injector with the test light and crank the engine. The light should flash on and off on this test also as the injectors should be getting the trigger to fire.
If neither the coils nor the injectors are getting a trigger pulse I would back probe the crank sensor with a scope and see what kind of signal it is producing. If you don't have a scope and a crank sensor isn't too expensive I would be tempted to throw one at it.
Edit by me: If it does want to start with added fuel I would look in the direction of a fuel pressure/volume issue first and not go off on safari with a test light