Nitron shocks upgrade

So, no surprise, but they are a massive improvement over stock. Both in handling and comfort. I used to have to slow down big time for turns and force the bike over, but now the slightest pressure either direction on the bars and the bike easily leans over. I'm not sure how much of that is due to just the change in rake angle vs the quality of the shock itself, but I'm super happy with the results. I dont have to brace myself going over potholes or bumps anymore, and my butt stays in contact with the seat. It's increased my confidence on the bike big time. The rear tire did skip off the ground a bit once or twice, so I just need to dial in the settings.
I personally cant say if they are worth the extra money over Progressives or other less expensive brands, but everyone I've spoken to, including a couple of shops, praised Nitron's quality and they stood nothing to gain by telling me that. For what it's worth, they were described as Ohlins equivalent a couple of times. At the very least, I can say there is a good option between the price range of Progressives and Wilbers to consider.


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