Nice Tattoo...

Was going to have this put on my upper arm at a weekend bike party years ago. Can't remember why the guy couldn't do it. Something about a template. The wife got a small ankle bracelet tat that same day. Closest I ever came to getting one.

This would have covered two bases.

A. I'm a big fan of the band.
B. I'm also a "Motorhead"
I have 2 tats on my arm. One is of a Great Dane who passed about 7 years ago and the other is an old school snake and dagger. I would love to be able to get some more tats but my orthopedic surgeon recommended against them since I have a titanium knee. He says that if I somehow get an infection form the tat and it makes its way down to the knee, there is a possibility that the body may reject the joint. Since I have to take 4 tablets of Amoxocillin before I have my teeth cleaned I can understand his point. So, tats are a purely personal choice and I have no issue whether someone has or does not have one. I do love a full sleeve on a chick though....
Who cares

I fail to see why anyone should need to deface their body with tatts or piercings

Is it a macho, bad ass thing, insecurity,the need to project an image.

Makes no rhyme or reason to me
Same reason you decide to wear the style of clothes you wear ,what sort of haircut you get and even what sort of bike you ride, personal preference and a need to express your individuality , you think people without tattoos have such a high opinion on why clean skins "should " have tattoos , no they dont . Ive spent the majority of my adult life dealing with biggots that like to judge me on the fact i have tattoos , sorta sux seeing as ive achieved a great deal of good in that time , i really think the reason the world is in the poo as bad as it is with wars and such because people cant keep their petty views to themselves,
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You certainly look big enough to live up to your name.
Firstly gratitude for your service
Because of the service of many we are all free to express our opinions even if we differ
Neither you or I should be forced to keep our "petty views" to ourselves
but hopefully the fact that I do not like tattoos & you do will not start any wars,
especially considering your size, couldn't get that many tatts on my pint size body
I do not consider myself a biggot or judgemental, I just say it as I see it, as we all should even though we may see it differently,
If anyone wishes to look for offence that is up to them, but none was intended.
Along with tatts I do not like piecings, baseball caps, chewing gum, high fives outlandish behavior & lots of other sh*t too
How many can I upset with that lot.
Oh I forgot to mention blacked out bikes