Nice Tattoo...

I used to know a girl with a tattoo, we were together for five years. I lost her along the way.

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**** Rocket Scientist...I was about to proclaim you as a God until you admitted that wasn't you.
Sucked me right in!
I shoulda smelled bull$hit when I noticed it was a pretty fresh tat.
Thought it was a cool tat and was fixing on making him show me at RAA!
Seriously can't believe in this day and age that anyone sees tattoos as anything other than art. For f#cks sake they're digging prehistoric men out of the ice with tribal ink on them. Of course they had very good reason to try and 'look badass and macho.. f#ckin dinosaurs were trying to eat them for lunch
Just the ones suitable for general exhibition

I would have been more into dragging cave women into my cave by the hair than getting sharpened brontosaurus tooth tatts, hmmm I remember Raquel welch in the movie 1 million years BC Yummmmy
Who cares

I fail to see why anyone should need to deface their body with tatts or piercings

Is it a macho, bad ass thing, insecurity,the need to project an image.

Makes no rhyme or reason to me

Not all of us can project an image by building ourselves an exhaust that flairs out like a peacock in full strut.

I got mine because I felt like it those that have meet up with me I believe will not say I'm insecure or trying to show off @TOMCAT you understand but the other guy well I guess theres just no help for him