Numerous test from numerous magazines have shown that pro level racers can stop faster without.... on dry a straight line....on a bike they are familiar with. Add in any sort of water/gravel etc, and ABS beats PRO every time.
Traction Control would be amazing.
ESC can go **** itself, no desire for ESC on two wheels, its not even remotely necessary. ESC is the nanny that says "though shalt not lean past x angle at y speed" and cuts power because you might be getting into a bad situation, but the computer doesn't really know so the limits are nearly always set way too conservatively, on both bikes and cars, its very nature demands it be set that way or it's pointless.
ESC is what makes traction control in cars suck balls. ESC is what prevents most modern vehicles from being able to do proper donuts, drifts etc. Most companies don't even let you turn it all the way off, so you get the hurky jerky body roll when trying to drift. Turn off ESC and set TC that allows a little bit of slip is amazing!