Ive raced sportbikes and beat them in 4th gear and then drop into 5th and disappear in front of them so why do I need any higher gearing and I certainly dont want a chain or belt drive. And Im driving a comfy cruiser and getting 40+ mpg on regular gas Im good dont need to change anything except I could use a fairing for those high speed runs . And as it is the sportbike guys hate the modified rockets they all think they are able to beat everything they encounter so getting beat buy a big cruiser really blows their minds.
That's a big part of why I would want a sixth gear.
No, not pennies out of pocket; but distance till empty.
Not worried at all about the gearing for an 8 second ride (several more on a stock set-up); or even the half hour ride. But, getting 40+ at 80mph (instead of 30+/-) while pounding out a ten hour day on the interstate or commuting to work would be nice.
My Rocket is the greatest bike I've ever been on, hands down. I love the power and see myself having two R3s (one carpenterized) in the future.
But, I have the Touring right now because I like touring amenities; and Triumph has left a few significant items off.
Not many "Touring" bikes out there without cruise or sixth gear.