Next Rocket model

My ONLY wish list item regarding new Rockets is that there be factory options for the Carp mods in similar fashion as with Motor Trike.

I would like the opportunity to order a new Rocket that comes with 225 to 265 horsies!
The Vmax is ugly and doesnt sell but they do run well and they are expensive
My ONLY wish list item regarding new Rockets is that there be factory options for the Carp mods in similar fashion as with Motor Trike.

I would like the opportunity to order a new Rocket that comes with 225 to 265 horsies!
Once you ride a modded Rocket with 225 to 265 HP its hard to ride any other bike as they all seem so SLOOOOOOOOOW

Exactly! The LAST thing I want is for the Rocket to become a cookie-cutter bike like Harleys are. Everybody and their brother's got a Harley, and they've been customized every which way to Sunday, so there's absolutely nothing interesting about any of them. I want people asking what it is, that's part of the cool factor that comes along with a bike like the 109 had it too...if I wanted to be just another one of the sheeple I would've bought a Harley....
I like the looks of the looks exactly like the baddest ass cruiser on the planet that it is...they probably don't sell well because they're $20K, that and not many people are looking for 200 HP machines...

There's the rub.
Most people looking for that kind of output; aren't looking to put it into a 800+ lb cruiser.
I like the fact that it's a niche bike; but if sales drop too far, it ain't gonna be carried at an affordable price.

Like I mentioned & Ol Bull too; factory OPTIONS for a high output build would be great.
But, she's already intimidating to a lot of riders. Make 250hp standard and even fewer people will see it as an 'everyday rider' option.
I like the looks of the looks exactly like the baddest ass cruiser on the planet that it is...they probably don't sell well because they're $20K, that and not many people are looking for 200 HP machines...
I like the MAX as Ive had 5 of them and I had the fastest stock max and own the record BUT they are not popular with those alien looks
I'm with you guys that like the bike not only because is it a fully functional bad ass stock bike but its different, and its different in a good way. Both my other bikes are different also. Some hate em, some like em but I like em and thats what counts. Each of my V8 bikes are 400 horsepower and its even more rare to see another one than to see another Rocket. The Rocket fits right in with the V8 bikes.