News panniers Triumph 25 l

Ok so I've run into a problem :( the 25L panniers have a different diameter cylinder lock! The pannier locks that I got with the bike do NOT fit these new panniers at all. :(
Ok so I've run into a problem :( the 25L panniers have a different diameter cylinder lock! The pannier locks that I got with the bike do NOT fit these new panniers at all. :(
Hi... I installed my 25L panniers last week and the locks that came with the bike fit correctly. Please note that each lock has a "protective plastic sleeve" (You need to insert the key into the lock to remove the sleeve and then, while the key is still inserted into the lock, put the lock into the pannier).
Hi... I installed my 25L panniers last week and the locks that came with the bike fit correctly. Please note that each lock has a "protective plastic sleeve" (You need to insert the key into the lock to remove the sleeve and then, while the key is still inserted into the lock, put the lock into the pannier).
It would be nice if things came with an instruction set :) also for anyone else doing this, be careful when pulling the lock out of the protective sleeve else you might find your self with a very interesting and challenging puzzle to solve. :D
It would be nice if things came with an instruction set :) also for anyone else doing this, be careful when pulling the lock out of the protective sleeve else you might find your self with a very interesting and challenging puzzle to solve. :D
Yes, I agree. I was expecting a set of printed instructions to be included with the bags, too. Triumph does provide *very* good instructions online, though: go to and enter the part number for the "kit" that you need to install. HOWEVER, I already came across a couple of confusing scenarios, panniers included: if you enter the part number for the bags (A9510690) you'll find no instructions, BUT if you enter the part number for the mounting hardware (A9518172) you'll get the instructions to install the mounts, which also include dealing with the locks (see page 6 of 10 in the pdf here).
The other issue I came across was with the "Connectivity Kit" (A9820200). The "installation instructions" for the module is actually the User's Manual; the installation instructions are associated with the "mounting kit" (A9801015 - two screws and locknuts)...
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The zipper on my right back finally broke. Put in a ticket with my dealer to have them replaced under warranty with the new version of the bags. According to the guy, there were several revisions of these bags.
I really would like the new panniers but I can't in good conscious destroy the bags I have. Don't believe I didn't think about it though.😉
you know, if the zipper just happened to pull away from the seam of the bag like mine did, that is a warranty issue, and there were no questions, just a few a pictures, and hey new larger bags came, just in time for vacation trip, just saying ... 😉
you know, if the zipper just happened to pull away from the seam of the bag like mine did, that is a warranty issue, and there were no questions, just a few a pictures, and hey new larger bags came, just in time for vacation trip, just saying ... 😉
Enabler! I like the way you think. To be fair, I haven't used the zipper more than a few times. Maybe if I zip and unzip it a few times it may show it's defective. Still, my mom is looking down and watching me so...🤥
Enabler! I like the way you think. To be fair, I haven't used the zipper more than a few times. Maybe if I zip and unzip it a few times it may show it's defective. Still, my mom is looking down and watching me so...🤥
It's only a matter of time. With light use my first bag had a major zipper malfunction, in which some loops and the entire thing pulled away from the bag, in just under 2 months of ownership. The zippers are garbage. They will fail you.