Right now, I have the five rooms reserved under my name and my credit card. This is fine unless someone can't show for some reason, then I'm stuck with the bill.. At the recommendation of the staff at Best Western - Brenham, I will call the Best Western 1-800 number (i.e. India.. ) and cancel this reservation. Then immediately call Best Western in Brenham and reserve a a block of five rooms under.. Hmm... Texas Rockets sounds good. They will then give me a date that you guys have to call and make reservations by.
I will take care of this and get the for-sure protocol posted tomorrow morning. I'm taking off work tomorrow!!! to prepare for a ride Saturday. Only this ride will not be on the Rocket, I'll be riding my big Belgian horse instead.. Lots of low end torque, but not alot of speed.. lol My daughter's never been on a trail ride, so we're doing a father/daughter thing this weekend..
have your self a great time this weekend,amigo.i sometimes miss the softball travel tournaments that i used to go to when i was coaching my daughters team. i wish i could relive many of those moments we had together. live the moments you two have,cause they'll be gone all too quickly when she's gone to college. take some pictures if you can......... talk at ya later.
My mom had a mother doughter pair of Belgians great tempers and I loved riding them. Did other things on them too but wont get into that. My mom used them and a team of mules to pull her logs when she built he log cabin.
OK.. I now have 5 rooms blocked at Best Western in Brenham, TX Phone: 979-251-7791. To reserve your room, call them and request a room under Texas Rockets. You will need to make reservations before April 16th.
We now have two rooms available as Mark and Natalie had a better offer for the same time as the New Ulm rally which, from what he said, I don't blame them... But he can tell y'all more..
We need a few more Texas Rockets.. I know there are more in Texas..
I didn't think of the camera.. thanks for the reminder.. I'll get some pics. Yep.. she'll be in college in about 10 years.. but they do go by fast. Seems like just yesterday she was 3...
have your self a great time this weekend,amigo.i sometimes miss the softball travel tournaments that i used to go to when i was coaching my daughters team. i wish i could relive many of those moments we had together. live the moments you two have,cause they'll be gone all too quickly when she's gone to college. take some pictures if you can......... talk at ya later.
We have a soccer tournament in Austin Sunday for my son, but I think I'll stay home and let the wife (team manger.. card carrying soccer mom.. ) go on that one and I'll stick around here and do some work on the Rocket that I've been meaning to do..
have your self a great time this weekend,amigo.i sometimes miss the softball travel tournaments that i used to go to when i was coaching my daughters team. i wish i could relive many of those moments we had together. live the moments you two have,cause they'll be gone all too quickly when she's gone to college. take some pictures if you can......... talk at ya later.
OK.. I now have 5 rooms blocked at Best Western in Brenham, TX Phone: 979-251-7791. To reserve your room, call them and request a room under Texas Rockets. You will need to make reservations before April 16th.
We now have two rooms available as Mark and Natalie had a better offer for the same time as the New Ulm rally which, from what he said, I don't blame them... But he can tell y'all more..
We need a few more Texas Rockets.. I know there are more in Texas..
I called a couple that I had met a the RAT rally in Kerville to invite them to New Ulm and they turned it around and invited my wife and I to New Mexico and Colorado I wrestled with the notion for 2 or 3 minutes and decided to go with them I hope to get another Texas Captain gathering together this year, plenty of riding time coming up.
Yes there is great weather coming up!.. and I just broke my, oh what is it, pointer finger? anyway, that finger on my left hand at work today. I was going to ride to work in the morning, but this finger hurts!!! I can't imagine it cold!... hahaha.