New Ulm British & Euro Rallye - New Ulm, Tx

to any & every body

you know,
the more i look,the more inclined i am to go with synthetic leather or fiber luggage. this is due to the weather resistance factor. guess i'll keep looking...... lots of options out there.:D

Good fellow

We have the riggs bag setup you can see it on my bike in my photo album. So far we like it. It has a small roll bag you can us with the big bag or by it's self. It also comes with a rain cover. You can carry it like a suitecase or it has back pack straps. It was under 150$ I think.
Okay guys and gals, New Ulm is coming up! I know I'm looking forward to a weekend get-a-way, getting to do some riding, meet some some of y'all, and check out other Rockets, and Greg's exhaust system, (which will have probably have me selling all I can to get me a system from Sam too!) as well as checking out some cool older British iron!

The rooms blocked at Best Western in Brenham will be available until 16 Apr 2008. I can probably get a small extenstion on this if need be. So far, Greg and myself are the only two who have rooms reserved that I know of. We have five rooms total, so come on out and get this summer started!.. :D
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Heather and I reserved ours last week. Now I just have to get her to work overtime to pay for it:D
I know she'll read this at some point and I'll get a swift kick in the pants.:kick:

we be three sets now...... just two more sets needed. :D

yep,it's gonna be a great week end. i just got that inclination about it. now if the weather will just cooperate,or maybe i shouldn't be thinking that way :eek::eek::eek:.

Don't hold the rooms for us. Bear's next doctor appointment is the 15th. So probably won't know soon enough. And like you said we have the Kenworth/sleeper or we can find us a room somewhere when we get to that point. I was looking at the map and either La Grange or Columbus would probably be good place to find one?
There was room in Columbus, but I had picked Brenham when Mark was coming as it was more central to everyone. Something must be happening in La Grange, because the Best Western was booked, but I'm sure there are rooms at other hotels there too.

It would be great to see y'all, but really hope the surgery helps Bear to be able to ride and get around better...:)
yeh, I am really hoping what ever they have to do really helps him. And I hope recovery is fast and smooth! The doctor he is going to this time came highly recommended by a co-worker of mine.

If we get to go to this event will invite our friends from Brady. You met them before. He rides a red Rocket III. Dennis and Jeanie.
All this talk of the trip is making me wish I could be there in New Ulm as well so I could meet the rest of you all. Just think of poor ole me and my wife wondering around aimlessly in New Mexico and Co. Link Removed