New to this site, North AL R3 owner


.020 Over
Jul 24, 2009
Huntsville, AL
Hey all, just want to say that I am enjoying reading some of the many posts on this site as I try to learn more about my R3. I have owned a Kawasaki ZX-12R for about 10 years now and I have enjoyed riding it and learning about it, but I have feeling that chapter is coming to a close. I find it hard to focus my attention on more than one bike at a time.
My first priorities for the R3 are battery upgrade which I have been reading all about on this site, and replacing the stock seats which are terrible.
I am also trying to find a Sissy bar for my wife, but I am not having much luck there. It seems like my only option is the factory sissy bar which are really expensive. I wouldn't my paying that price for a custom one, but I have a hard time paying that much for a simple factory one.
Look forward to being a part of this forum.
Welcome from Delaware. Finding custom fabricated parts for the R3 is tough. Even something as simple as rear foot pegs is a pain in the butt trying to cobble adapters together. The only sissy bars I've seen besides factory were made by the owner and when asked said they wouldn't try it again. Just isn't the demand.
Doesn't mean they aren't out there, but stuff like that is typically in Germany and the Netherlands, it's REALLY expensive. Good luck.

Seats ... if the wife rides alot, I hear the daylong is the ****. Looks like a lazy-boy recliner. If it's just occasionally like mine, I use the Corbin Young Guns with a Butty Buddy for the wife. She likes it because it's the only way she can see over me and not spend all day looking at the back of my head. lol
Welcome to the site from Chicago. I agree with the day long seat. Iv'e been looking at that seat for 6 months now. Maybe next year, since in a couple months, riding season opens and I don't want to give away the seat for that long.
HF, your wife like that butty buddy? I may have to look into one for my girlfriend if she is not comfortable on the gel pillion! this summer will be her first ride with me!
Yeah I keep an eye out on this site for folks selling their sissy bars, but I haven't seen any yet. I am looking into the day long saddles myself after seeing them mentioned first on here.
I went and priced the odessy batteries today and the cheapest I found was 115 for the taller one that requires batter tray mod and 140 for the shorter one. Crazy expensive.
I only live a few hours from the Smokey Mtns, so I am hoping to meet some of you all up there in May maybe.
Welcome from Molino, Florida and soon...Afghanistan...when my short vacation/R&R ends.

"can only focus on one bike..."

Why, you card carrying communist heathen! Everyone should have at LEAST 2 bikes.

I keed, I keed! Welcome!
G'day and welcome from downunder.
You gotta get a sissy bar if you want your wife to ride with you. Glad it's a priority as these things have way too much grunt to expect anyone to feel comfy on the back without something to hold them on. If you don't want the stock unit - and I don't know why you wouldn't want to pay a fair bit for something purpose built and of good quality - you could try some of the generic stuff available eg Bibblebar
Some will disagree with me but I'm very happy with the Classic dual touring seat. I paid over $300 for mine but saw one the other day on e-bay that didn't sell for $55. Has been relisted Triumph Rocket III 3 Seat - eBay (item 220736911288 end time Feb-13-11 18:12:24 PST) Perhaps not the best you can get but a bargain at that price and I reckon an excellent seat. Make sure it comes with the mounting plate though.