New to this site, North AL R3 owner

HF, your wife like that butty buddy? I may have to look into one for my girlfriend if she is not comfortable on the gel pillion! this summer will be her first ride with me!
Debbie loves the Butty Buddy. One of the best accessories I've bought for her besides the big forward mounted Kuyakin passenger Floor boards. She likes the width and the fact that it raises her up to see over my head.
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Believe it or not, she's lost around 50lbs since then (while I gained 10).
Welcome to the site from New Jersey, nekidone!

I'm curious, does your R3 have its original battery or can you find out from the prior owner when he got a new one? Also, do you have a Battery Tender?

Hellfire's your man as far as the Odyssey upgrade goes, but I'm fairly sure that he'd advise you to get the Odyssey charger, too. It is specific to that battery - a Battery tender will not fully charge the Odyssey battery.

In any event, do enjoy the ride, Captain and let us know when we can organize a group ride to Tahiti!
I am not sure if the battery question was directed at me, but yes I do still have the original battery. I keep it on a battery tender Junior and works on all but the coldest days. I have gone on a couple of Spring trips and had a couple of "please start" moments, but so far I have not been stranded. I plan to upgrade the battery anyway as the other one is so old.
I am not sure if the battery question was directed at me, but yes I do still have the original battery. I keep it on a battery tender Junior and works on all but the coldest days. I have gone on a couple of Spring trips and had a couple of "please start" moments, but so far I have not been stranded. I plan to upgrade the battery anyway as the other one is so old.
If you ever have to push start a cold Rocket, you will wish that stock battery was upgraded.
welcome from tn i have had no issues with the stock baterry on my cllasic that i had or the r3t that i have now