New tire needs balancing?


Jul 17, 2021
Last year, one month after bike purchase my Rear tire had a big metal piece in it and no one had it in stock at that time so I am running it patched, Now they have exact same Avon AV92 OEM tire in stock, if I get new OEM tire installed, will it still need re-balancing? is there anything should be taken care while getting new tire installed?
Thank you

Remove the rear drive, clean and lube the splines with each tyre change. Remove the rear caliper assembly, exercise the pistons out. Clean and polish the exposed portion of the piston with brake fluid. Better yet, open the caliper and clean the mother like a pistol. Lube with Brembo grease, seat pistons all the way in. Reinstall with new pads, bleed brake lines with new brake fluid. Brake-in the new pads. The rear caliper on the R3 gathers dirt and requires attention before it locks and you have problems like a hot caliper, locked rear brake and such. Clean calipers well and seat the pad springs correctly. Replace them if rusted. This should be standard service every time the rear wheel comes off. Tyre shops don't do it.
so the guy has to put weight on new rim? what about the existing weight glued on the rim?
I do all my tires myself. Yes the old weights can easily be removed. I balance my tires statically using a shaft with precision cones and bearings. I use this one from Triumph Motorcycle Wheel Balancer The shop that mounts the tire should absolutely be able to balance the tire on the wheel.
I do all my tires myself. Yes the old weights can easily be removed. I balance my tires statically using a shaft with precision cones and bearings. I use this one from Triumph Motorcycle Wheel Balancer The shop that mounts the tire should absolutely be able to balance the tire on the wheel.
Does he have something for the back tire on the new Rocket?
Does he have something for the back tire on the new Rocket?
Good question. My Rocket is only 2 months old and I haven't had the rear tire off yet. Does the center piece come out? If yes what is the diameter and thickness of the hole? I have cones that fit my single sidearm Multistrada and they fit the front wheels on a Can Am Spyder which use lug nuts like the Rocket. Does anyone have a pice of the rear tire off the bike and of the spindle?
2 ounces of bb's in the rear tire before the bead is seated. Works like a charm and no weights needed. Plus your tire won't go out of balance with wear.
2 ounces of bb's in the rear tire before the bead is seated. Works like a charm and no weights needed. Plus your tire won't go out of balance with wear.
wow, never heard of that, what is bb, can you suggest a brand and product link please?