New Rocket Rider needs help understanding the beast

I have a problem reading about people going 200 miles on a full tank. I have a 2005, just like the guy that started the thread, and ran out of gas at the 154 miles mark. It took 5+ gallons to fill up not 6+ though. I ran out of gas trying to emulate people like you and posts like these. I strongly believe that a 2005 Rocket III Standard/Classic cannot go 200 miles between fill-ups unless you turn off the engine a lot and go downhill quite often.
Would you be so kind and rethink the statement you made?

Maybe its just your bike.... Might have poor fuel consumption.... Just Saying
I Get 300 to 350 Klms out of a full tank that's 200 miles....
Sigh..... If fuel economy is such a big issue maybe owning a 2 POINT ***ING 3 LITER engine is not for you...:thumbsdown::cautious:
Just Saying
That's not quite fair, Tony. You have reported getting 200 miles per tank on your heavily performance modified Beast. Many of the rest of us are wondering why we cannot get the same figures on our stock (or near stock) bikes, which, presumptively, should use less fuel than your heavily modified one. That's all we're trying to understand. It's not that gas mileage is uppermost in our minds or ". . .such a big issue. . .".
That's not quite fair, Tony. You have reported getting 200 miles per tank on your heavily performance modified Beast. Many of the rest of us are wondering why we cannot get the same figures on our stock (or near stock) bikes, which, presumptively, should use less fuel than your heavily modified one. That's all we're trying to understand. It's not that gas mileage is uppermost in our minds or ". . .such a big issue. . .".
Yeah I know.... Can be frustrating
You have hit on what is, for me, the single most unsatisfying aspect of owning and riding the R3T. (I know you have a standard - but I think these issues still apply)

First - It's d*mn near impossible to fuel the Beast up properly. The Owner's manual says to fill it to the bottom of the internal filler neck, to allow for expansion and prevent overflows. Well, if I fill it to that level I CANNOT get the rated 5.9 gallons into the tank. I need to fill it to just under the top flange in order to get 5.9. I have no idea what's going on with this. And with the higher pressures being delivered by today's gas station pumps - it always cuts out long before the level I need. It sometimes takes me 8-10 minutes to fill the tank - If I can fill it up all the way at all!

Second - I cannot (and never have) obtained nearly the mileage reported by Boog in his post above. I've installed a tach on my R3T and find that 3,00 RPM is about 78 - 79 MPH. At that speed I'm fortunate to get 33 - 34 MPG. In town, I'm often below 30 and when I encounter the occasional traffic jam - I can be as low as 25. I'm running TORs with an underseat K&N and Triumph's TORs tune. I haven't been able to find anyone to assist me in installing Wayne's R3T tune, which promises not only 115 hp but 40+ mpg - but I'll keep trying.

Third - If I want to get 200 miles on a tank of gas - I'd better be going 50-55 MPH steady speed - under those conditions I've accomplished that 2 or 3 times. The"range to empty" feature works poorly. On at least one prior occasion I've ridden nearly 12 miles with it on "0" - and I still had some gas left. I never really know how much gas is in the tank or what I have left.

I would simply resign myself to the fact that a 2.3 litre engine with 3 - 4" slugs is never going to be a Mobil Economy Run champion - but then I see guys like Boog who get these incredible mileage figures and I'm simply at a loss to figure it out.

I love the R3T - but I absolutely hate everything having to do with fueling her up or the gas mileage.

Those have been my best numbers, NOT my common mileage. Just tooling around northern VA for work, I usually get around 30-31 MPG; (this is full brakes and WOT in heavy traffic to avoid our cager friends). On really hot days when stuck in stop and go traffic, I have gotten as low as 26 MPG. For the trip mentioned above, I was loaded up with a bag on the luggage rack and a steady state cruise (just droning down the freeway). Frankly, I was amazed at the numbers and recalculated twice to make sure I wasn't doing poor math. When riding with Pretty Pillion, I change my riding style significantly by slower starts and stops and no aggressiveness at all. (Otherwise, she won't be my Pillion and she frowns if I mention adding another one).
I have the Tors and standard air filter no nothing magical there. My last two fill ups that I mentioned in the "Stutter" post have been 30 mpg and 31 mpg respectively, which seems normal for my commuter style of riding. I am road tripping with Pretty Pillion to VA Beech tomorrow for lunch and will see if I can hit the 37 MPG with her once more. I have only got that good once before but this will be mainly on secondary roads and no Freeway stuff.
I'm 330 lbs. (150 kg. for the rest of the world) ;) and only got 45 MPG at best on my 750 Magna so MPG is not am issue per-say. My curiosity is for the MBF (Miles Between Fueling). I ride with some buds that seem to like to see who runs out of gas first. Well on the Magna I always win. The Magna holds a whopping 2.6 gal, A Harley Sportster came in second. I felt like I was playing Golf again ( I always got the highest score). I had to stop at 115 miles or use peddle power. For once I would like to lose.
I'm 330 lbs. (150 kg. for the rest of the world) ;) and only got 45 MPG at best on my 750 Magna so MPG is not am issue per-say. My curiosity is for the MBF (Miles Between Fueling). I ride with some buds that seem to like to see who runs out of gas first. Well on the Magna I always win. The Magna holds a whopping 2.6 gal, A Harley Sportster came in second. I felt like I was playing Golf again ( I always got the highest score). I had to stop at 115 miles or use peddle power. For once I would like to lose.

In that case, twist th black grip on the right till it stops and hang on tight... You should be refulled and back on the road before the Sportster catches up...
Guess I am lucky. There is a Shell station near my house that has non ethanol gas that I pass constantly. If I have near 100 miles or more on my trip indicator, I go ahead and fill up.
That's REALLY lucky! I'd give anything to be able to run straight gas!
In that case, twist th black grip on the right till it stops and hang on tight... You should be refulled and back on the road before the Sportster catches up...

The sportster is now null and void, It's the big bad 103's I'm now going to have fun with. Thar's a new Sheriff in town (pay back's H3LL!).