New Riii touring rider

Welcome from Australia

Welcome from another of the Aussies , as mentioned always plan ahead where you park the big Touring nose down is a PITA to reverse I had to ride through a Pub Beer Garden at one place as there was nowhere to turn around and was facing downhill caused a bit of a stir:cool::cool:
Welcome from another of the Aussies , as mentioned always plan ahead where you park the big Touring nose down is a PITA to reverse I had to ride through a Pub Beer Garden at one place as there was nowhere to turn around and was facing downhill caused a bit of a stir:cool::cool:
I am sure It did. Good advice. I will keep it in mind.
Hello and welcome from a very wet today UK..Yes as mentioned back in ride out..still surprised to see riders pushing their bikes backwards uphill when they have parked.
Welcome from Florida.tell the wife she just has to ride more. So that her butt muccles get used to riding.
Hello Martin and welcome from Virginia. Buy your lady an AirHawk cushion. I got one for my Pretty Pillion and she loves it. She only takes it though if we are going for an hour or more but she never complaines about uncomfrtable feeling from the AirHawk like she once did when we would do an all day ride without it.
Howdy and another welcome from Virginia!

After 1200 miles on R3T so far in about 2 weeks I can tell you that you are gonna love that motor!!!
Welcome to the forum. It's a fantastic font of knowledge. I'm you'll enjoy it and your new ride.
Have fun.
Welcome to the forum. It's a fantastic font of knowledge. I'm you'll enjoy it and your new ride.
Have fun.
I can not wait for the weekend. Go gonna let her stretch her legs a little. I am going to get 300 on her. I have trip to California planed mid September and I would the 500 mile service to be done while I am gone. Getting to the end of the season and I want ride this thing 3very chance I get