I've been enjoying these.....

You would fit right in on a Dartmoor hill farm ! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
j r rouges.jpg
These are what I wear (Very Comfy Summer and Winter) they have zipper on the inside hence are not water proof but I wear my jeans over the top and in wet weather the Wets all but cover the zip, I use Dubbins on the leather so keeps the Leather water proof and in good condition, I wore them when I was in the States, not sure if they are available in the States, here's a online seller Johnny Reb Rogue Zip Up Motorcycle Boot
They are cool boots mate !
Wouldn't the 11.4" be kind of like knee boots on you? :p :D

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Funny Man!
Very likely with my 29" inseam.
I know my Red Wings are 10" and more than enough.
Only had water wick up and over the top once in 12 years in a driving rain and wind storm.
I got Red Wing works boots that I wear at work and riding, and a pair of Bates waterproof for riding should there be risk of needing them. Also they are nice in cooler weather. The motorcycle specific boots seem to offer way too many compromises, and most would not be worn enough for proper break in. More is the fact I just can't find a style that pleases me.

My Red Wings have been good boots and waterproof (I treat with Bear leather dressing every season).
Bear Grease Leather Conditioner and Waterproofing
They are heavy and not comfy to walk in - noticeably since right hipand left knee have went WORSE!
I wanna try out a lighter, more flexible boot.