I think I may have put on about 70 of those miles on your bike. Last year I rode a demo at Schlossmanns. Two white strips like yours. Here's the Facebook write up: And welcome to THEE forum.
Mike Czerwinski
June 12, 2014 · Edited ·
I took my bike to the dealer this morning. New pipes. Free. New map and install. Only $65. SWEET! Louder and faster. While shootin the bull with the sales guy who sold me my Rocket Touring, he ask "You want to take the Roadster out for a test ride. You have 2 hours to kill before your bike is done." Didn't have to ask twice. Took it out to Holy Hill and rode the twisty's. A completely different beast compared to the Touring. Shorter wheel base, more aggressive riding style, much quicker. Grin factor on stun. Had a blast!