New R3 in Cedar Rapids, IA


Standard Bore
Nov 5, 2011
Cedar Rapids, IA USA
Hello from Iowa! I'm new to this site and R3 ownership. I just took delivery of an 06 Classic three weeks ago. My only regret is winter is coming and I probably have only a few more 40+ degree riding days left.
I knew the Rocket would be a beast, but I have to admit I'm surprised at how well it handles for such a big bike.
My other bike is a Bonneville T100 which I've done a number of mods (K&N airbox removal, pipes, bars, lights, led conversion, tuneboy, etc.)
Not sure what I have planned for the R3 since it doesn't really need anything. I'm sure some performance mods are in my future, but I can't say it needs it - I can't see me taking this bike to its limits ever.
Welcome from Rural New South Wales, Australia. This comment in your post
Not sure what I have planned for the R3 - doesn't really need anything
is the reason for all the screaming and wailing you heard as you clicked the POST button. New members have been flogged and beaten with a dampened Bus ticket for such wayward remarks, every Rocket seems to be a work in proress!!!

What is the colour scheme of your 06 Classic? Mine is "Blood and Bone".

The Kiwi.
My 06 is cherry red and new england white. The previous owner powder coated the bear claw, horn and rear fender brackets black. I've gotta say it looks pretty sharp with the black details.
Another g'day from Downunder (not far from where Kiwi lives actually). Now you can't go saying this and that has been changed without posting pictures of it, so get to and put some in your album or even in this thread. OK! ;) Anyway, welcome to the site and this wondferful fraternity.
A Big Welcome from Paradise, well I call it That anyway, Batemans Bay,South Coast NSW,Auss.:cool: