I added some pics to my profile in the member gallery.
Jackson - you are correct. I got a chance to see Gary Numan perform in the twin cities a few years ago - it was great!
I saw him twice. Once in the 80's and then 200? with the wife. She thought the show was looking at the people. I like his early stuff. By the way, nice looking bike.
Welcome from earthquake prone (lately) Oklahoma..
You've got plenty of time this winter to think about the mods you want to do
and you need to make plans to attend the 7th annual
Rockets Across America in Maggie Valley, N.C. come May..
You'll see plenty of Rockets, some amazingly beautiful country (and bikes)
and probably get some ideas for your bike.
Anyway, Welcome.
Welcome from another fairly new member.
My second bike is a Bonneville also, 81k on her.
Want to mention I have been using electric clothing for a few years now
and like it a lot. Not to expensive either. I bought Widder stuff way back and its still working
except I had to replace the coiled connector cord twice.
Widder is out of business now but Tourmaster among others makes quality stuff.
With the right setup you can ride till the snow comes...