New place for the water bottle


.060 Over
Apr 8, 2007
Dundee, Scotland
if it won't flow back into the radiator, what's the point in keeping an eye on the level in the bottle?

Normally the level in the bottle will tell you if there's enough coolant in the system, however if it doesn't flow back then your system culd be light on coolant but the bottle level will look ok :!:

or have I missed something?
Is it even connected? Your overflow tube isn't going to it.

If it won't backflow what's the point of having the bottle? You could just to away with the bottle all together and just check the ground to see if you need to add coolant.

Seems to be a step in the wrong direction but looks pretty.
Umm, why won't the water flow back into the radiator, pray tell?

Will the water flow back into the radiator if the bottle is placed under the seat as recommended in the triple K&N conversion/secondary plate removal thread?
rchappydayz said:
At my major service it was mentioned too me that the underseat water bottle isnt really the best place for it.

Uh, excuse me, but in a standard Rocket, the header tank is in exactly that spot. (but I admit that yours is more pretty)

Have you heard of "re-inventing the wheel"?

If you change something from stock, be prepared for someone to tell you WHY the stock idea was a pretty good one. Usually, you need to change SEVERAL things from stock to get a net benefit...
Nice look RC... My dealer told me the same about potential flow problems back into the radiator if you have it under the seat.. We ended up putting a 955i bottle under the tank... Here his the thread where we had some great contributions: ... le&start=0

No, RC, I don't see how it can flow uphill unless the fluid expands and contracts with the addition and removal of heat or unless the flow through the radiator somehow creates a vacuum at the overflow outlet. But for all I know either or both of those are possibilities.

On the other hand, the radiator seems large enough to have such a capacity that it would not miss the overflow that gets caught in the bottle.

Guess I'll take a look at that thread CC provided for more info.
As long as the overflow hose from the radiator to the overflow tank is submerged in coolant it will work. As it heats up it will go into the tank as it cools it will be sucked back out. You could mount it off of the rear lip of the fender -- as long as the air has been purged it will work and there is coolant in the overflow tank it will work.
Umm, air purged? How do you do that? I don't think I did that when I did my triple K&N/secondary removal jobbie.

Are you supposed to suck the end of the tube until you've had two or three mouthfuls of antifreeze?? Is there any headbobbing involved because if there is I'm not doing it. :shock:

Whats the preferred method here?
Top off your radiator and fill the overflow with some coolant, it will push the air out itself. If you don't keep enough coolant in the tank the overflow will suck air.