New exhaust = overheating engine?

SO, I just got done tinkering with the bike and it gets to about 105c fast, then slowly starts to climb. after about 20 min it was still slowly climbing @115c. This made me realize that I don't know what the operating temp range is. The light never came on like it did last time.

I did not remember to check the coolant reservoir. I need to do that.
All seems well now. I rode a bit yesterday and no more overheating. Sits around 115c idle and cools down when moving. I never expected that something like changing the exhaust could make a bike overheat.

Thank you guys for the help.
just because you have water in the reservoir does not mean you have water in the radiator.
239 f **115 c seems to hot. check the radiator.
thermal gun cheaper than engine. you can check temp sensor and some areas on the engine.
Yes the stock tune should turn the fan on at 103 C and turn off at 101 C.
I use 99 and 92 on the Falcon and will be lower the one on my Carpenter bike some even though it has not given me a heat problem yet this summer. Still I like it when it comes on a 210.2F and off at 197.6F myself.
just because you have water in the reservoir does not mean you have water in the radiator.
239 f **115 c seems to hot. check the radiator.
thermal gun cheaper than engine. you can check temp sensor and some areas on the engine.
Turbo could be right if the radiator cap is not functioning right you could have dumped water out and none returned. There is a bleed screw in the head above the thermostat housing if you think she has some air in the water jacket bleed it out for safety.
Its a new bike ? I am not sure if it comes in the crate with antifreeze so maybe when they put her together and filled the radiator they left some air in it. Its worth bleeding to be sure.