New D&D slip installed today

Can someone give me a link to the proper wire i need to hook up my bike. I have a 2014 R3T

Cable is the same regardless of year, it's a standardized plug I think. The only one I know off hand that's considered 100% safe is the one from - they were quite fast getting it to me, but I'm also in Europe. There is a 5-star review from a guy in New York on the site so should work for the US as well.

The cable isn't just a cable, it has a computer in it (essentially) that translates between the bike and the PC, so it has to have a specific chipset made by FTDi. So, since the Lonelec cable is known good I'd recommend it. You can also get a cable off Amazon but without the right functioning it can potentially worst case do damage - at the very least make sure it has the FTDi chip in it.

Here's an example of what not to buy, a cheapo chinese one with the wrong chipset:

This, however, might be good:
Just put on my D&D's and dropped the PowerTripp tune in. Everything seems all right. Havent had a chance to ride other than around the block....smoked pretty good! One issue Im having is the fuel gauge went to empty after the download and didnt come back on my short ride. Hooked up Tune ECU again and reset adaptives and the gauge went to full. Did not ride since this so I am hoping that solved my problem. Will ride it to work tomorrow and see what happens.
Any one have this issue? and did you solve it?

Like to hear a sound clip. nice colors...
You may want to get TuneECU and load this tune to really get the best out of them

Thanks so much for the info and help. Put tune in yesterday( 07-02-14 ) installing program into laptop a bit of PITA took three of us to do it, but so worth it!! Thanks again JAG
I have an oppertunity to buy a demo R3t with the D & D pipes on but it was covered in wax so we didn't start it how does it compare?
I have an oppertunity to buy a demo R3t with the D & D pipes on but it was covered in wax so we didn't start it how does it compare?

Go for it sounds way better than stock and performance is way better once u install tune ECU, night and day difference than a triumph tune.