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Challenging obstacle #1 reached. Parts not playing nice between different companies. As a result, valve tips needing trimming down.

Machine shop required after all.

This is going to prevent my attendance at RAA West unfortunately, prevent my attendance at the East vs West drag event SEP 30, and pretty much closes out my riding season.

Like everything else, doing it right takes a little more time and a little more money but in the end I'll have all the issues fixed, so, here's to sticking to doing it right.

Don't want to be checking retainers every 5k miles, so going back to inherently flawed Ti parts is not an option for me.
Sad that things went south for you, but applaud your decision not to settle for less. Those what if's and what's that noise thoughts will make you old and gray quick.
Got this far today, was about to do cam timing, and realized I'd not verified valve clearances.
Checked them, and.... Waiting on parts again :/

The shim kit I bought stopped at 3.5mm thick shims, I need a selection from 3.5 to 4mm, so, guess I now I have 2, 9.48mm diameter shim kits ROFL..

Had to strip and reassemble the head again to get spring pressures correct, but, I did turn it over by hand today, feels TONS smoother than with the previous setup.

God it's going to be nice to fire Mufasa up next weekend!!

Also pulled the extra stock head I have apart, stock intakes valves weight 51 grams.
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So just to be clear, those pictures you posted a while ago of the chewed up retainers were Carpenter installed retainers?
Yes, they're the titanium ones. Turns out it's a fairly common problem with single spring setups using titanium retainers in Hayabusas (the springs used are advertised as 90lb seat pressure, aimed at forced induction hayabusas).

People try to get around it by jacking up spring pressures to overcome natural harmonics of the spring.

It is a flawed approach, clearly, since Art had the same issue I did.

The fix is a different style spring (beehive, oval wire, or dual springs) different material retainer, or both.

The 265 intake valve setup is 21% lighter despite using heavier 31mm tappets than stock, but uses a 91% increase in spring pressure. Take that for what you will.