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Pair 76cc with -10.5cc for the piston tops, and 65.5cc chambers. Incredibly close to the 67cc most calculators were estimating, but good to know none the less.
75, 76, 76 but hey human error in measurement can be that 1 easily, and I'm not about to do it 9 times and average each hole lol.
I agree with your dad, it helps to have a guru whispering sweet nothings in my ear lol.

He was taken from me April 4th, 1995 and I think of, and miss him almost daily. :inlove
I only wish you two could have met.
It would have been great fun to watch/listen to your two brains exchange!!! :roll:
Pair 76cc with -10.5cc for the piston tops, and 65.5cc chambers. Incredibly close to the 67cc most calculators were estimating, but good to know none the less.

Has been so long for me, that when I was cc'ing heads the pistons were flat. :eek: :D
I bet it took me ten years to stop thinking I was going to call my dad and ask him for advice.

So, so true!
A HUGE piece of my life that I'll never get back!
However, I do remain grateful that I had a father who was:
1) My best friend
2) My mentor
3) Happened to be my biological Dad!!!
So, so true!
A HUGE piece of my life that I'll never get back!
However, I do remain grateful that I had a father who was:
1) My best friend
2) My mentor
3) Happened to be my biological Dad!!!

Steve, I deleted the first two sentences of my post, I worried about cluttering up Rob's thread and getting verbose
,They were- my dad was my best friend, even more than I realized at the time, and he taught me my trade, no one will teach you a trade like your dad.
I'll come back and erase this later, sorry for mucking up your thread, Rob, but you are a lucky guy, and your dad obviously did a great job on you.
I bet it took me ten years to stop thinking I was going to call my dad and ask him for advice.
I lost mine last year in May and I certainly know the feeling; automatic transmissions was his trade and I learned to build automatics and standards because of him. Although, I have been out of the business for over 15 years, I still continue to wrench, thanks to him.
This is why I’m going up and down to get cams and pistons for more performance is the problems that can come, especially that I’m mechanical Challenged
Example, zoom in on the retainer on the right...

That's some precision tool collision right there. Speaks to an exceptional work ethic <sarcasm btw>.


I see you also have shims eating their way out of the retainer too.

From a few years ago - starts like this;

Gets worse to this


Tried a few simple things, no dice. Currently working on a solution that has to fix it but it involves $$$. Seems the Ti retainers are needed for weight reduction on the valve train to permit higher RPM, and unfortunately it appears steel eats titanium just touching it.
Can't keep replacing the retainers every 5000 miles or so..
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