Having had the chance of meeting the man in the tin shed all I can say is he is great man with a great skill set.
I'm so pleased that I am happy with the amount of power I already have other wise I would have already ordered the upgrade on a motor in Oz and had it rebuilt and shipped to NZ.
Well the bike is now in the hands of Neville. I dropped it off yesterday afternoon and pick her up when I return from a work trip end of November. All the parts are sitting in Nevs Shed and waiting to go in. I cannot wait to test her out. Christmas holidays coming up and the warm weather is on us yoohoo
Cheers mate, if I had the time I would of liked to do the install myself, but at the moment I just don't. Like you have said previously,the best way to learn is to do it yourself and look what you have achieved. Nev is the only one I trust in this neck of the woods to touch the bike also, lucky he only lives 60km from my front door