Need advice as painting my bike

lmfao yes yes as soon as you use red you need to get all the ***** accessories like dildos and **** like that
I wondered if you would have a comment up your sleeve mate... ;)

Yeah yeah. And don't forget the tampons. Funny ***s.
Crikey they are biting, you opened the can Anthony..

Try a little Nuclear Red to be different..... :eek: :eek: :eek:
I actually don't mind Chinamen ( Chinese been in Australia since the gold-rush days) .. don't mind Wogs either (Italians , Greeks , Slavs ... all Europeans actually ) they have all helped build and shape our nation. Our newer arrivals have yet to show their commitment to Australia .. their commitment to making money and bonding with their own type is pretty evident so far. Time will tell I guess.

Thats what i love about you TC, sometimes the way you say stuff just gets me wanting to vote for you!
I wondered if you would have a comment up your sleeve mate... ;)

Crikey they are biting, you opened the can Anthony..

Try a little Nuclear Red to be different..... :eek: :eek: :eek:

I ****in like that, nuclear red..... is that similar to used tampon red?
I actually don't mind Chinamen ( Chinese been in Australia since the gold-rush days) .. don't mind Wogs either (Italians , Greeks , Slavs ... all Europeans actually ) they have all helped build and shape our nation. Our newer arrivals have yet to show their commitment to Australia .. their commitment to making money and bonding with their own type is pretty evident so far. Time will tell I guess.

Big reason for that is the earlier migrants came here and wanted to be Australian. This was pre-multiculturalism. Muticulturalism is basically a racist ideal that has lead to nothing but conflict and perpetuated hatred everywhere it's been tried. Look at Europe or the Balkins. It says your differences are important rather than focusing on what makes us the same. Australia is a multi-racial country and we are richer because of it. These different races have brought a fantastic diversity of cultures that have help create our unique culture. Why do we want to be multicultural as well? What we see with muticulturalism is almost an apology for asking new comers to adopt and embrace this country but to bring their own believes and cultural mores and to live their lives as if they are still in their homeland. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd generation will accept where they are and not long for where they've come from.
Well the speed thing -- I have evidence
My Ducati is very RED it makes less HP and torc than the Rocket but its a hell of a lot faster !!! must be the paint.

I'm sure it nothing to do with the fact it weighs half as much and has a skinny set of tyres.

Well except the very first ones of course. Mind you it was a free trip.

Nah...its not the free trip. Ours get free trip, free govt backed loans, and a lot are on the dole...still want to bite the hand that feeds
Damm! You Mates got some strange $hit running around in your genes. :confused:
I looked up and read about that Chopper bloke - and Ned Kelly - and Mel Gibson . . . now a red versus black war? - need I say more? :roll:
Is it something in the water or perhaps caused by living upside down??? :whitstling:

On the serious side - I do know that red get noticed and pinched WAY MORE by the coppers than does black.
Ever see a red stealth jet fighter? Red vehicles just say, "Notice me. Come on f*ck with me, I dare you." heh heh heh
Best Regards,
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