Need advice as painting my bike

All of you lot .. go to bed , this will end in tears I know it !!!

PS a really really high gloss blood red in a few place would look good I reckon. With all the black you'll have to make sure it's the right red.

Now bed you blokes :mad:
Nah I am working doing an extra shift as for the topic
The Ox Blood Red as used by Corbin on my seat would give a subtle red touch sort of like anaccent with out being in your face, wait till Oder you next week and you can see it in the flesh, (I am actually going to reprint my bike I'm going for a slightly more lively red)
As for the lace it needs to be bright pink with violet tassels on the arms of your jacket oh and you will need to get some of those red pink and white camp dragon jeans in the cargo style so you have plenty of pockets to put your:roll:frilly hankies in:whitstling::roll::roll::evil: