Need advice as painting my bike

Do you reckon the fluffy dice instead of tassles will suit the poofy red any better....opps, sorry that was an accident...I meant poofy claret!
Anthony, Anthony, Anthony. First you call it poofy red, then poofy claret. Thought i told you before, it's poofta claret (or if you must, dog *****red). Get it right.
ponters mate id like to help you out brother so if you need to colour match i can send you a photo of my dogs ***** just say the word mate
you guys are so generous with your help and assistance, thank you heaps.

i was speaking to the painter today when i noticed my son had a nose bleed. My thought was, thats perfect, paint it blood nose red, the fella yelled out," Hey Rob, help us out with a paint match mate, hand me that wrench and stand still for a sec!"

Its gonna be perfect i reckon.
God not that wussy bright nosebleed red - you want that deep disembowelled ripped spleen deep red.
I say admin - is he allowed to say wog in public - Western Oriental Gentleman.

Might mean that ^ in Spain .. not here though. Call a Chinaman a wog and he'd laugh at you ... here in Australia anyway mate.
You get a better class of wog then.

I actually don't mind Chinamen ( Chinese been in Australia since the gold-rush days) .. don't mind Wogs either (Italians , Greeks , Slavs ... all Europeans actually ) they have all helped build and shape our nation. Our newer arrivals have yet to show their commitment to Australia .. their commitment to making money and bonding with their own type is pretty evident so far. Time will tell I guess.