:eek: 5 grand :eek: give me two grand and i can make u have a real accident:D these guys are ripping u off with their over priced imitation accidents :rolleyes:

Um gees uhhhh thanks fellas!!!!
I think I can do accident all by myself:cool:.
Turns out the wedding is on the 13th (got my dates mixed up) will confirm with travel dates etc if I go. I don't think the wife and kids will go, too costly + the sopping will send me broke:eek:
Yep count me in too fellas.

hey male, sorry havent been in touch...finishing off the year always involves 18-20 hour days right through december.

hey i think we'll have a couple of riding budies this trip. Steve from Tas and bob from SA. maybe you need o workout a route for us and where we all meet. i can pic the tassie contingent up from the boat as im only 10 mins or so away from port.

let us know.
Hey you Victorians, routes from SA and Melbourne to Nabiac run through Yass. If you're going up the highway, I could meet you there (or Goulburn). Alternatively there's Cowra, Muswelbrook again..... A bit further but much more interesting. Keep in touch.