Nabiac at Easter

Just about packed, leaving in 6 hours ,weather don't look to bad a few showers here and there ,all goes well ill see you,s on. Sunday
been quite hot here the last couple of days, not pleasant for riding, expecting thunderstorms today but believe it when I see it doubt if there will be any rain with it fri sat expecting a little cooler but fine, I hope we can catch up on Sat as planned you got my number give me a call
Diverticulitis, easier if you google it rather than me trying to explain.
When I get an attack it puts me in hospital for nearly a week.
Ouch not nice!! get well soon buddy, know of a person with it "a real pain in the bum" so to speak. Hope this doesnt distrupt your plans to go to your brothers Wedding
Thanks Hanso, I hope to be out of here by Saturday, the last attack I had was 10 months ago, removal of the lower intestine is the only cure
Thanks Hanso, I hope to be out of here by Saturday, the last attack I had was 10 months ago, removal of the lower intestine is the only cure
yeah and we know what that means........ on a lighter note we could then call you "Bag Boy"....... better if you can avoid it while the alternative works well for some it could hinder your lifestyle some, unless the attacks get worse then it may be the better proposition mind you depending on the amount of the lower intestine removed a bag is not allways needed

If I choose to have the operation, I might have a bag for a short period but if my intestines rupture I WILL have a bag for up to two months.