Thanks Richard. Will do a PayPal payment when I get home or office. Are you positive 20 bucks will cover it.
Especially now that our hypocritical, communist, thieving, lying government is going to legalise stealing from our super fund's even more than they should.
Thanks Richard. Will do a PayPal payment when I get home or office. Are you positive 20 bucks will cover it.
Especially now that our hypocritical, communist, thieving, lying government is going to legalise stealing from our super fund's even more than they should.
Especially now that our hypocritical, communist, thieving, lying government is going to legalise stealing from our super fund's even more than they should.[/QUOTE]
They can go ahead and raid my super fund .... bitter disappoitment will be the outcome. I figured before the Russian Mafia spirited my hard-earned off to Belaruse i'd spend it on motorbikes
If the ***** had any brain in her head she wouldn't even bring it up.
Not only do I hope she gets kicked out on her arse at election but I hope they string the slut up and drag her through the streets so everyone can get atleast one good punch in
If the ***** had any brain in her head she wouldn't even bring it up.
Not only do I hope she gets kicked out on her arse at election but I hope they string the slut up and drag her through the streets so everyone can get atleast one good punch in
Not being one to encourage harsh words but when they are well deserved ............
Glad to hear you all had a safe trip.
Catch up next trip guy's and that's a promise to myself.
well lets just say I certainly wouldn't hesitate to cut her left tit off with a rusty pair of scissors and then choke the ***** with it if she came knocking on my door