Nabiac Accommodation ?

As previously mentioned 2 Ottevanger's (Ann & Hans) = 1 double bed
I'm still coming. Taking a tent but if there's a spare single and not to much snoring I might just jump in one of those.
I'll be heading off to visit relatives at Port Macquarie on the Sunday afternoon. Don't think I can get away on the Thursday but I'm working on it.
It Is With Great Regret I had to make a decision Today and canncel the leave I had applied for so that Ann and I could make the Nabiac weekend So Unfortunitly we won't be there.
On Saturday Ann whilst hanging some washing nearly went thru the floor of the rear verandah due to some of the support timbers suffering from Dry Rot Gave Way!! (it is a 10 foot drop) so resouces will have to be channnelled into making it safe, I knew the rear verandah was going to need replacing but thought it still had a few good years in it, it seems all the rain we have had this summer has sped up the process.
So again I Am Very Sorry About this and as I said to Richard on the phone I didn't want him out of pocket for the Deposit he paid, He assured me he wouldn't but I would like someone to let me know if this does happen as I feel Bad that I have had to Pull Out of what would I am sure have been and Will be (for those attending) a Great Weekend

Again I Am Very Sorry Guys and Gals
really really sorry people...I am not going to make Nabiac.
Looks like I may have to work 1 or 2 days over Easter. I changed jobs early January and am now driving a truck doing roadworks in our local area. The contract is repairing damage from the floods 2 years ago and due to the floods and excessive rain recently we are behind on the contract so have to take every opportunity to catch up.
I wouldn't have got there till Friday afternoon anyway as my daughter surprised me with tickets to the Staus Quo concert on the Thursday night.
Again..really sorry