Nabiac Accommodation ?

Richard ...if possible i'd like brown or black wedge-tail eagle feathers for my head-dress .. oh and i don't want my Native American name to be ' Running ........'anything' because of my dickie knee. Other than that go right ahead and book us in mate ... Thanks
Funny bugger. Bit tricky; wedge tails are ****n huge. I'll try for the colour but can't guarantee the bird. One thing for sure; it won't be pink and grey - not for you at any rate ......
Funny bugger. Bit tricky; wedge tails are ****n huge. I'll try for the colour but can't guarantee the bird. One thing for sure; it won't be pink and grey - not for you at any rate ......
ah ya crawler get a Pink one you know you want to, me I just the Bald Headed Eagle Look which comes naturally for me

I obviously missed something..............whats the Apache Reserve and is there some contact details please. I'm in but need to have a look and book something.
can somebody just tell me what the f*k is Apache Reserserve or what and where in Krambachs and I supposed to be booking accommodation.

Just a thought ( or thinking out loud as they say) if we have a thread on a particular subject can we please just stick to it and not go off on a tangent about other stuff. It seems to take forever to sort anything out or to make arrangements for anything because of that.

I made a phone call to the Big 4 park that was originally suggested and posted info but didn't get much of a response. I would much prefer for people to, at the very least, post a reply that says 'no piss off too expensive or don't like it ..lets try this'.

Can we just focus and get something sorted before all the Sydney Easter bunnies book everything. As I said in a previous post I know the Gloucester area quite well and think it is a good choice but for fcuks sake give me some details that are not cryptic so I can book.
Sorry we detoured a bit I only mentioned early on about RDU Batemans Bay to keep this thread up top as there was nothing getting done, details of the place in Post #64 as far as I last heard Richard was ringing them.... I think ... check with him
Gday Al, on my phone so hard to search and stuff but the Apache thing comes from one of the suggested places. It's mentioned earlier on this thread. If you go to the website they're all dressed like Indians. Didn't know what the guys we're on about until I went to website then just laughed for10minutes thinking of some of the guys running around dressed like that.

Sorry I can't post a link but look back and you'll see someone suggested a place with bong the whole place out for ourselves.

How this helps. I'm happy with Big 4 or the "Apache Resort" or anything you guys decide on. I agree with booking soon as can be hard for us to find somewhere soon.