Myths and Misconceptions

Myth 2: Loud Pipes Save Lives
Yeah, there are a few situations—like where you are right next to a driver with his window down who is about the to change lanes—where full-time noise-makers might help a driver notice you, but all that noise directed rearward doesn't do much in the most common and much more dangerous conflict where a car turns in front of you. Maybe it's the fatigue caused by the noise, maybe it's the attitudes of riders who insist on making annoying noise, or perhaps loud bikes annoy enough drivers to make them aggressive. Whatever the reason, the research shows that bikes with modified exhaust systems crash more frequently than those with stock pipes. If you really want to save lives, turn to a loud jacket or a bright helmet color, which have been proven to do the job. Or install a louder horn. Otherwise, just shut up.

Them there "Dogs" your sportin' bark pretty loud ;)
That sixth sense developed with years of continual daily (or near enough to daily) riding cannot be beaten in my opinion. Don't believe it can be taught or learnt at rider training courses for that matter. You just learn to be super-alert and attentive when you're in heavy traffic. I tell new riders, if the opportunity presents itself to stay away from cars whenever it's possible. Riding up the middle of stationary cars at lights pisses car drivers off but it's a lifesaver i reckon. Getting away from the lights and staying between the packs of cars is the safest place for a bike. Riding in amongst cars it's inevitable you'll be cut-off , clipped or worse. I've even cut bikes off when driving a car and i look for them way more than your average driver. The way things are going we'll all be wearing hi-vis vests and bright coloured helmets whether we like it or not. At the end of the day if it means wearing hi-vis to be able to continue riding i'll wear it ... won't be happy about being forced to do it but i will. I don't really care about looking un-cool i just think more experienced riders could be given a choice.
good list. What about 3 and 5?

Here they are from the February 2006 issue of Motorcycle Cruiser
Sorry - this was previously addressed by Scottinexile.

I have gotten heat stroke twice when not wearing a helmet - never with a helmet, even when riding in higher temps. I was MUCH younger when not wearing a helmet as well and have remained helmet covered since 1985.

All these "Myths" are well explained and based in science and physics, IMHO

The superiority of Black is indeed no myth and based upon science. In the scientific world, spectroanalysis (analyzing light by breaking it into a spectrum and measuring the amount of each wavelength present) is a highly precise tool.
Best Regards,
1olbull :eek::confused::D
Oh yeah - the numbers of single motor crashes are NOT predominately Harley riders anr are WAY surpassed by sport bike riders.
Oh yeah - the numbers of single motor crashes are NOT predominately Harley riders anr are WAY surpassed by sport bike riders.

Interesting, what is your source? Given that Harleys outnumber sport bikes around here by at least 20-1 I doubt that's true in Arizona.
Agree with the observations on helmet use. Also completely agree with number 9. I've never understood the take the bike to the bar mentality.

Just an anecdotal observation, virtually all the bikes I see parked in front of bars are Harleys. Virtually all of the single vehicle motorcycle accidents I read or hear about are Harleys. I guess I do understand why most of the Harley riders I see in bars don't seem to have a helmet with them. After all, why risk destroying a perfectly good helmet.

Just another reason I generally choose to ride alone.

I think its also to do with some of the weird hair do's they are wearing:D