My turn to beat the (long) dead horse...

How does Triumph get away with putting such a **** tire on their new bikes??

5,600 miles....

That's all...
wish I could talk off this sight. 1-858-722-9143 been riding R3T for 12000 miles Darkside. 150,00 total all bikes. ride safe can share much.
Ok, ONE MORE TIME....... The hook/lip of an automotive car tire is not made to fit the bead/flange seating area of a motorcycle wheel. They are different. That it why it is possibly a dangerous joining. Yes they fit close. Yes they seal. Yes they work for lots of people.
Yes it can be dangerous.

Yes, I also do many things that will hurt/kill me - mostly from things I put in my pie hole :eek:
No, I ain’t skeered :p
wish I could talk off this sight. 1-858-722-9143 been riding R3T for 12000 miles Darkside. 150,00 total all bikes. ride safe can share much.

This site can be quite terrible if you suggest doing anything other than what a few, and usually the loudest, people say or think. Running a car tire, how dare you. Want to make a custom crossover pipe so you can fit aftermarket HD cans and save $500-$1,000, unacceptable...

I mostly put up with it because there is certainly more good information than negative crap. It's just a shame that the few, that feel like they have to **** the non-comformers, can't just allow these other conversations to happen without interjecting their well documented opinions.
This site can be quite terrible if you suggest doing anything other than what a few, and usually the loudest, people say or think. Running a car tire, how dare you. Want to make a custom crossover pipe so you can fit aftermarket HD cans and save $500-$1,000, unacceptable...

I mostly put up with it because there is certainly more good information than negative crap. It's just a shame that the few, that feel like they have to **** the non-comformers, can't just allow these other conversations to happen without interjecting their well documented opinions.

Well I hope you do realize that the intention of my last post was whether people agree with your choice or not, do what you want. It’s your choice. If others don’t like it, tuff.....

Yes, I also do many things that will hurt/kill me - mostly from things I put in my pie hole :eek:
No, I ain’t skeered :p