If you are looking for another site to travel to, you should consider Jerome and that run along highway 89A. Great place to visit and one exceptional ride.
3. More of a statement but a One or two finger ’wave’ when passing me and misreading my seven letter TRIUMPH banners for a five letter political figure.
A3. You are a shining example of the state of our education system!
Did you not hear me when I said the bike was a Triumph?
I get that quite often when I wear one of my Triumph T Shirts. Either that or "nice shirt". I will sometimes ask the ones displaying hostility toward me because of my shirt what they have against one of the greatest Canadian hard rock bands of the 70s and 80s. Then they get really confused and I say it not that either, it's a motorcycle. They usually slink away like the moron they are.
I have a 5 lb box ot those dates on my counter right now. I usually eat some and then vacuum seal the rest in portions and freeze them. They freeze really well.