Welcome to the site from New Jersey, Bellyman (Para-Jumper?) and good luck with your little project.:thumbsup: It will pay big dividends, so stick with it!;)
If you don't have an engine warning light on you won't have a code in the ECU. My guess is the injector hoses have perished
If you don't have an engine warning light on you won't have a code in the ECU. My guess is the injector hoses have perished
Are you talking about the vacuum lines, the blinding caps or the actual fuel lines to the carbs
Welcome from Escondido! When you get your bike running, PM alpental, Pekka and me and we can go for a ride somewhere in San Diego area in a rare display of four R3s running under their own power :)
Welcome from Escondido! When you get your bike running, PM alpental, Pekka and me and we can go for a ride somewhere in San Diego area in a rare display of four R3s running under their own power :)
Another welcome from Australia. Enjoy your learning of your new toy and all the characters you will meet on here.