If by Anthony, you mean Ponters..... he was a "colourful" bloke and invoked the ire of his missus to the extent that he sold his (beautiful) bike - to Mittzy I think - and his life changed in a big way.. he left the forum - and bikes - behind.
But have you been 'tasted' and spat out as many times as @warp9.9 ?
I like it when they just 'taste' the bike and spit you and it out, graded as unpalatable together!
I am not as tuff as warp.
But you have to wonder who is looking out for you when u hit a curve to fast and you're sliding on the frame and handlebars r moving back and forth and then it just comes back up
I am not as tuff as warp.
But you have to wonder who is looking out for you when u hit a curve to fast and you're sliding on the frame and handlebars r moving back and forth and then it just comes back up