Mirrors still move even when bolts are tight

Love the mirror adapters. Gives you the ability to run about any mirror on the market
Well, it appears I wasted $35 on the universal adaptors. As it turns out, they don't fit the Rocket mirrors...I guess I'll have to try washers under the nut...
The mirror stems come out past the bottom of the mount point just a bit.
When you tighten the bottom nut it can't pull the stem tight enough and the stem swivels.
When you add washers under the nut, the washer center opening must be larger than the mirror stem bottom diameter so the stem can be tightened downward into the center of the washer.
If the stems were just a bit shorter the problem would not exist in the first place.
Well, it appears I wasted $35 on the universal adaptors. As it turns out, they don't fit the Rocket mirrors...I guess I'll have to try washers under the nut...

I've got a couple xtra spacers I can send you if you need em.
Grampi I went with a split stainless steel lock washer (with a large enough ID to go around the stem) their pretty thick so when you tighten the bolt and compress the lock washer it was still thicker then I needed and it gripped well.
Grampi I went with a split stainless steel lock washer (with a large enough ID to go around the stem) their pretty thick so when you tighten the bolt and compress the lock washer it was still thicker then I needed and it gripped well.

So you put the washer on the stem and not the bolt?
Now when you say spacers, what exactly do you mean? I hope you don't mean those wavy things that go on the stem...

Yep that's what I meant, they are the crush sleeves that slide on to the stem
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