Tish and Pish - wear leathers!. "Marica la ultima".
<serious face> Do not underestimate how the heat will affect H rated rubber in the summer sun here. Push the beastie through some corners at speed and it's like taking a file to the rubber. I have take a whole mm off Metzlers at 140kmh cruising in the 100miles or so from just north of Somosierra on the A1 to home. The road surface gets heavy snow/ice in winter so is surfaced with an aggressive tarmac. Take Despeñaperros (A4 south) at speed (who can resist) and the rubber will go all ripply on you. It's the torque and weight.
Front - Would run 38 minimum. And for Prolonged High Speed - Loaded too - 40 or more.
Actually - I'd run them close to max rated pressure - What are the weight ratings btw?
180/65 B16 81H and 130/90 B16 73H