Metzler Tire Prices!!!!

Baby's got a new pair of shoes.

Next time around, you might give the B'stone Exedra Max 240 a try, Turbo. About $100 less. Wears a good while longer and improves handling significantly. Most who have gone that way really like the tire. I've experimented with a Michelin Commander II 140 tire up front and currently run a 130 Exedra Max and both tires dramatically improved the beasts handling characteristics and they make the bike feel about 150-200 lbs lighter, respectively. It's like having a new and vastly improved R3!!!
I have 12k on my Metzler's and they are in decent shape, for now. I am going to change them this spring, has anyone put any other brand on their bike (non-car tires?)

put on avon in the rear loved it , now I have the exedra max supposedly last twice as long.

i live on a dirt road .7 miles to hard road. it has a sand area like a beach that i have to drive through and i don't know if a smaller tire would work better or worse.
my front metz had 15000 miles on it,very small amount of thread and i was taking the devil for a ride down the freeway. at 110 mph the trucker decided to move into my lane he was doing about 60 mph. one of them o $hit this is going to hurt moments! i think i was trying to break the lever off the bar,forks was bottomed out have no idea what the back was doing. i realized that i was in bad trouble so i let off them and then hit them again as hard as i could.
i figured that ft metz and the great spirit saved my dumb arse.
i was thinking about doing the exedra rear,but i think that i will let all of you test it a little longer

ps when i took off the front it had a small amount of tread but also showed the cords in a lot of spots
What kind of laws would be broken if lets say, someone from Oz sent a friend in the US a paypal amount and then, that friend sent whomever a box with whatever inside?
none that I am aware of, as long as you declare it, but if you are referring to tyres a couple of guys here already did a group buy from"Jake Wilson"I believe it ended up near half the Auss shop cost
I'd be glad to volunteer to help if anybody needs sumpn.
Thanks in Advance, if it comes to that we have quite a network happening over there now, Skip and Nolton have been a godsend for me in the past and there have been other offers as well from other Americans to help out us Aussies.
So please if ever there is something we can do to help you guys get something from here Please don't hesitate to Ask .... and no I will not send some Aussie Sexy Sheila's before you ask we need them here ourselves
can anyone confirm that metzeler still makes the me 880 marathon tires in the 150/80 R16 size and the 180/70 R 16 size I was on their web site and thay do not list these sizes any more , if you try to look up by cycle comes back NO MATCH FOUND !
can anyone confirm that metzeler still makes the me 880 marathon tires in the 150/80 R16 size and the 180/70 R 16 size I was on their web site and thay do not list these sizes any more , if you try to look up by cycle comes back NO MATCH FOUND !
Try Bridgestone Excedra Max! Tires run longer and feel better that the Metz!
A site called has fronts for $170, free shipping to the lower 48!